Advice for Caring for Elderly Parents

Written by:

Jeffrey Grossman


December 25th, 2023

Working full-time and caring for elderly parents, especially in your own home, is a challenging life for adult children to balance. It's a path filled with love, duty, and often, unspoken sacrifices. 

One of the most common feelings you might encounter in this journey is Caregiver guilt. It's the nagging thought that no matter how much you do, it's never enough. Whether it's guilt over not spending enough time with your parent or feeling like you're neglecting your own family and work responsibilities, these feelings are valid, but the weight of this responsibility doesn’t have to fall solely on your shoulders.

It’s okay to reach out for support. No one prepares you for the role reversal that can happen when your elderly parent can’t care for themselves anymore without assistance. In this blog, we share advice for caring for elderly parents and how to arrange care for elderly parents so you can retire the “Caregiver” title and enjoy being your parents’ child again.

The Balancing Act: Working Full-time and Caring for Elderly Parents

Balancing working full-time and caring for elderly parents is not a walk in the park; it’s more like walking a tightrope. Here are five pieces of advice for caring for elderly parents to help manage this balance:

Keep Open Communication at Work

Don't hesitate to have an honest conversation with your employer about your situation. 

More than one in five Americans are Caregivers, so it’s not uncommon for working adults to be taking care of an elderly parent. Many employers are increasingly supportive, offering employee benefits, flexible working arrangements, or resources made especially for employees in caregiving roles.

Have an Honest Conversation with Your Parents

Discuss your caregiving role with your elderly parent. 

It’s important to understand their needs, but equally important to express your own capabilities and limits. You may want to set boundaries on overnight care, incontinence support, and other personal care tasks, which could be provided by a professional Caregiver instead. This open dialogue can help in finding a middle ground that respects both your parent's wishes and your own well-being and preferences.

Set Realistic Goals

Acknowledge that you can't do everything. 

There are only 7 days in a week and 24 hours in a day—only so much can get done in that time. Set achievable and realistic goals for both your work and caregiving responsibilities. Prioritize tasks and understand that some days might be more productive than others. This approach helps in managing expectations and reduces the burden of trying to accomplish too much at once.

Take Respite for Self-Care

Caregiver burnout is real, and taking time for self-care is essential. 

Whether it's a short break to relax and unwind or taking a vacation, these moments of respite are vital. Respite care is a timely solution for those saying, “I need a Caregiver for my parents while I’m away.” This temporary home care for seniors is designed to relieve family Caregivers from their daily caregiving responsibilities. Taking time for yourself not only rejuvenates your energy but ensures that you can provide more conscious care for your loved one when you return.

Create a Support Network

Building a network of support is invaluable. 

This network can include family members who can share caregiving duties, friends who offer emotional support, and community resources and support groups for Caregivers. Knowing that you have a support system can greatly reduce feelings of isolation and stress. For comprehensive support, contact a local home care company about hiring a professional Caregiver. 

At Commonwise Home Care (Commonwise), we understand the complexities and challenges of caregiving, and we’re here to help. If you’re wondering, “How can I help my elderly parent stay at home?” in-home Caregivers can take on your caregiving responsibilities, enabling your parent to age in place.

How to Arrange Care for Elderly Parents

Whether you’re trying to figure out how to take care of elderly parents remotely or locally, call Commonwise. We provide compassionate in-home care services for seniors. From 24-hour care, varying degrees of personal care, or specialized dementia care, our trained Caregivers are prepared to support your loved one however they need it, wherever they need it.

Using our care management tool, Family Room, families can stay informed and connected whether they live down the street or across the country. You’ll be able to use this web platform to view scheduled care, review caregiver assignments, access care logs, and manage payments.

Have a question? Our geriatric care managers are experts in elder care and can help you navigate the complexities of long-term care insurance or simply explain how home care works. They’ll assess your parent, develop a personalized care plan, and ensure your loved one is getting the unique support they need.

At Commonwise, we’re dedicated to truly caring for people, from our clients to our caregivers. When you call Commonwise, you can have peace of mind knowing your parent will receive exceptional care. 


Commonwise Homecare Named One of the Best In-Home Health Care Providers by Mount Pleasant Magazine


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